Examinations & Audition Preparation
AMEB (Australian Musical Examinations Board)
AMEB offers graded examinations for a range of musical instruments (including voice) covering classical, popular and contemporary styles and techniques. In general, practical examinations comprise the presentation of work in the following areas: technical work; studies and pieces; aural tests; sight reading and general knowledge.
AMEB syllabuses set educationally appropriate goals across a wide range of musical instruments, from beginner level through grades 1 to 8 and onto diploma level. Candidates may select from a broad range of repertoire in the manual lists and AMEB grade books which include compositions by Australian and regional composers.
If a student wishes to undertake AMEB exams, I can help prepare for these. The benefit of following the AMEB system is that the graded examinations can eventually lead to an award such as an Associate Diploma (AMusA) or a Licentiate Diploma (Llamas) and others.
For more information about AMEB please click here.
School Music & HSC
I am able to assist students with their school music studies as well as help prepare for performance on composition examinations, including the HSC.
Tertiary Entrance Exams
I can also assist in preparation for the requirements for all tertiary entrance examinations and auditions giving students the best chance at a successful application.
Professional Auditions
Another area that I can be helpful in is preparing students for professional or semi-professional auditions and have had many successful students in the past, some of whom are currently working as musicians both here and overseas.